An intimate dialogue with nature and light
Paz Pérez Ramos, a constantly evolving artist, has developed a body of work that reflects a deep connection with nature. From her beginnings in the 1980s, where she explored depth and volume in textiles, to her current mastery of colour and light, her work has been a journey of discovery and experimentation.

Her ability to select and manipulate materials, from fallen leaves to paper in its various forms, demonstrates an impressive technical dexterity. Using elements such as pins to play with light and shadow, she creates works that are both visually striking and serene.

In her most recent works, Paz Pérez Ramos immerses herself in the study of colour and the incidence of light, achieving results that stand out for their beauty and simplicity. Her creations can be found in public and private collections, being recognised both in the CAAC in Seville and in institutions such as the Antonio Pérez Foundation in Cuenca and the Museum of Baza. Her work is not only an expression of her talent, but also a testimony to her deep commitment to art and nature.
Paz Pérez Ramos was born in 1946 in Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, and since then her art has illuminated numerous galleries and museums both in Spain and internationally.

Her artistic career has been forged through a series of solo exhibitions that have highlighted her unique style. In 2007, she presented "Elemento repetido" at the Birimbao Gallery in Seville and the Estampa Gallery in Madrid, showcasing her ability to explore repetition and form. In 2010, her public was captivated with "Reflejos: La luz teñida" at the same gallery, an exhibition that revealed her profound understanding of the interplay between light and colour. And in 2022, his exhibition "Resurgir" at Birimbao Gallery in Seville marked a new milestone in the artist's career, reflecting a constant search for new forms of expression.

In addition to her solo exhibitions, Pérez Ramos has participated in numerous group exhibitions and fairs, where her work has shone alongside that of other contemporary artists. From "Bajo la Luz de Clara" at the Santa Clara Museum in Zafra in 2013 to her presence at the International Biennial of Contemporary Art Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar in 2006, her art has been recognised and appreciated in diverse contexts and places.

Her work has found homes in prestigious collections, from the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo to the Museo de Baeza in Jaén, highlighting its lasting impact on the contemporary art world. With a career spanning decades, Paz Pérez Ramos continues to surprise and captivate through her art, leaving an indelible mark on both the national and international art scene.