Fortunately that human thing that prevails linked to an abstract idea or a feeling, is not captured with a photograph and can hardly be understood by scrolling with a mobile phone

Grpup Exhibit featuring: Paz Pérez Ramos, Ignacio Tovar, José María Bermejo, Concha Ybarra, Paloma Gámez, Las Ánimas,  Quique Sarzamora, Elena Núñez Mallén.


Curated by Sema D'Acosta


For a painter who avoids the narrative arguments of figuration, the search for his own language from a syntactic point of view is the way forward. Balancing form, colour and light. Taking into account the texture of the surface, the volumes, the edges and even the position of a viewer. The key issue is to know how to maintain a certain tension, to have control over the result, to never abandon a sceptical attitude with each work, which is nothing more than a necessary step to face the next one. Properly understood, a painting should be a testing ground where definitive states are never achieved. One piece leads to another and another and another.... And so on, week after week, month after month. Far from the spotlight, in the solitude of the studio and away from screens. In fact, good paintings are not well interpreted through an interface. Fortunately, the primordial, that human thing that prevails linked to an abstract idea or a feeling, is not captured with a photograph and can hardly be understood by scrolling with a mobile phone. Instagram has advantages and disadvantages for painters. For some it enhances this flatness, especially for those who are committed to visual impact; for others it lessens it, particularly for those who opt for the subtlety of an unintelligible poetics. This type of work that needs a direct relationship with the public, we could link it to the approaches of the English philosopher John Locke, whose main argument held that true knowledge is centred on our experience of things; not in the world itself, but in how we experience the world, an affirmation that places the perception of reality before the RGB substitute promoted by social networks.
